
Children And Sleep Issues

Sleep Issues in Children: Signs and Solutions Richard Goodfellow here again. I would like a quick word with you about children and sleep. We often overlook or expect our kids to sleep well. But often, they don’t. Have a look down their throat. Look at their tonsils....

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Tinnitus and TMJ Connection

How TMJ disorders can contribute to tinnitus and what treatment options are available Hello, It is Richard Goodfellow again, talking about TMJ and Sleep Breathing Disorders. Today I would like to touch on Tinnitus, ringing in the ears. Sometimes people have it...

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Sleep, Headaches and Pain – The Vicious Cycle

Exploring the Link Between Sleep, Headaches, and Pain A lot of people today have headaches, migraines, they are exhausted, and if you do not get good sleep your stress levels go up even further because you have less of an ability to deal with it. I’m Dr. Richard...

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Headaches and feeling uneasy may be related to sleep

Headaches and Sleep: Understanding the Connection These days people are having many symptoms they have not had before. That could be headaches, feeling uneasy and all sorts of things. The best thing you can do is to sleep well, eat right and get some exercise. If you...

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Falling Asleep vs Staying Asleep In Toronto

Falling Asleep vs. Staying Asleep: Challenges and Solutions Hi, I’m Dr. Richard Goodfellow. I’m here to talk to you about stress, sleeping (or the lack thereof), or a problem getting to sleep. Nobody has to comment on the stress that has been happening in the last...

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Non Invasive TMJ Treatment

Effective Non-Invasive TMJ Treatment Options in Toronto I’m here to talk about craniofacial pain, headaches and TMJ problems. We deal with this in a non-invasive, reversible way. We support you structurally so that your muscles start to relax and then the pain starts...

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Something to Consider Regarding Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring and Sleep Apnea: What You Need to Know Women have an important role to play on behalf of the husbands or men in their life who may be snoring, not sleeping well, having headaches, neck aches or back aches. Since men are asleep when they snore or stop breathing...

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Tip For Fatigue and Sleep Problems

Simple and effective strategies to combat fatigue and improve sleep quality. I’m Dr. Richard Goodfellow. I have an office that is completely dedicated TMJ and jaw problems, headaches and sleep/breathing disorders. I would like to talk about one particular topic right...

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